Ashton cheating, such a shocker??

No need to alert the press because they’ve already been alerted.  If you happen to pass any magazine rack, you’ll probably be slapped in the face by more than a few pics of Ashton and Demi.  The unsurprising reason for their sudden thrust back into the limelight is, of course, that he’s cheated with college co-ed Sara Leal and her friend at the San Diego Hard Rock Hotel.  They were making waves in a hot tub.  Huge shocker there.

I’d like to say I’m surprised, but I’m really not.  I’m even less surprised that he’s been caught.  Ashton apparently learned nothing from Tiger Woods- that men are historically incapable of hiding their indiscretions.  He seems to forget that Demi’s fame predates him, and so in some ways, he’s very much Mr. Demi.  After all, she’s a major upgrade for him.  And while I have no clue as to what she’s like in her personal life, I’m sure of a few things.

1. No matter how shitty your partner may be, stepping out on them is never okay(especially if your daily happenings involve being photographed repeatedly, which would make the chances of being found out even more likely).

2. Men have an incredible knack for slipping between the sheets with women that are MAJORLY less attractive than their partners.  Lets get serious for a minute and consider the pictures below.  Does that seem like a competition?


Lets not forget that Demi has at least 15 years on Sara, and don’t give me any of that crap about glam squads and plastic surgery.  If Demi’s had work done, so be it, all I know is that she looks dam good for her age!

3. Again in the vein of Tiger Woods, there is nothing he could offer that girl to keep her mouth closed.  Tiger tried, he’s got waaay more money than Ashton, and he still got found out.  When it rains it pours, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this starts a hail storm of chicks falling out of the sky claiming they’ve had sexual encounters with the new dude on 2 & 1/2 Men.

4. In this age of technology and hackers that probably sift through the FBI database on the regular, how does he not realize that even if she wouldn’t say anything, that doesn’t mean her phone records won’t speak for her.  Idiots!  If the rumors are true, and she did text her friends about their liason, then we know it’s only a matter of time before that shit is all over the Net.

So Ashton gets a Iron Thumb for cheating (duh), and being such a douche about how he handles himself when he’s having guy time and believing his own hype enough to think that he could get away with such a thing.